How Arborists Help Mitigate Storm Damage to Trees

How Arborists Help Mitigate Storm Damage to Trees

Severe storms with high-speed winds and heavy rains can permanently damage your trees. Before destructive weather occurs, an arborist may help stormproof your trees and shrubs. Certified arborists offer a range of services, from fertilizing to maintaining tree health. Here’s more information about how an arborist will help mitigate storm damage to your trees:

Fertilize Your Trees

Maintaining strong, healthy, and resilient trees requires proper fertilization. An arborist suggests the right fertilizer for your trees. Fertilizing trees will encourage the growth of a healthier, more robust root system and branches. Even when rain saturates the soil, a tree with deeper root growth will prevent it from falling. Trees with strong branches will also withstand high-speed winds without bending or breaking.

One of the fertilizer application techniques an arborist uses is deep-root fertilization. This method involves applying nutrients into a tree’s root zone for fast absorption. Deep root fertilization (deep root feeding) will also improve soil aeration, allowing trees to absorb nutrients, water, and oxygen more easily. They might also use vegetative endotherapy to introduce nutrients directly into your tree’s vascular system.

Maintain Tree Health

Experienced arborists will help control insects and diseases that might weaken your trees. They identify the insects or diseases affecting your tree and create a solution. Early detection allows the arborist to use timely interventions, including pest control and disease treatment. This prevents branches and roots from decaying, keeping the tree strong during a storm. 

Tree doctors use disease control methods that target fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. They’ll also target various tree pests, from worms to burrowing beetles. Your arborist may spray dormant oils on the trees to control overwintering insects and their eggs. Dormant oils are highly refined petroleum products used as insecticides. They’re applied when the trees are in their dormant stage (winter) to suffocate insects and their eggs.

Apply Growth Regulators

Tree growth regulators are chemicals that slow the growth of trees. Your arborist can use them to manage the size of your trees, preventing the growth of taller trees or wider canopies. Trees with elongated branches are more prone to high-speed winds and icy storms. Applying growth regulators promotes thicker and tighter growth instead of your trees getting taller with wider canopies. Such trees can withstand severe storms.

Tree Pruning

Proactive tree pruning is another method your arborist may use to keep your trees storm-ready. They understand when to prune and also know the areas to remove to avoid harming the tree. Before pruning, an arborist will look for the following signs that tell it’s time to secure trees for storms:

  • Long, heavy branches
  • Large dead branches
  • Weak branch attachments
  • Cracked branches
  • Heavy leaning

If your trees have these things, the arborist will remove the affected branches. Proper tree pruning balances your tree’s canopy, keeping it strong during storms. It can also eliminate wind resistance, which can cause some branches to break off during a storm.  

Hire Experienced Arborists to Stormproof Your Trees

An experienced arborist can detect issues that make your trees susceptible to damage from high winds and heavy rains. Review an arborists services, particularly how they combat various tree stressors. Your preferred tree doctor should diagnose and develop a custom tree healthcare program to promote healthy growth. With healthy and strong trees, your trees should stay firm even during severe storms. Contact trusted arborists today to help keep your trees healthy and protected against damaging storms. 

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